Tree Availability List
Golden Glow - Marla Hunter's favorite, probably because of its consistently good flavor. Likes dry conditions and fruits early in the year.
Mapulehu - Pete Hunter's favorite, probably because of its complex, exotic, Indian flavor. Prefers drier conditions and fruits in summer.
Rapoza - My favorite. Medium to large sized fruits. Sweet, juicy and fleshy. When you have mango, you don't want to eat anything else.
Improved Meyer Lemon - Cross between a Citron and Pomelo. Smaller tree, copious, large fruits year-round, tart and juicy lemon.
Eureka Pink Lemon - Varigated with green and white on the leaves and fruit. Inside pink and juicy. Few to no seeds.
Yuzu Lemon - Originally from China, celebrated in Japan, Yuzu has an herbal taste and floral scent. Big tree, big producer, smaller fruits, seeds and lots of juice. Best on fish.
Tangor - A cross between a tangerine and an orange, described as sweet and sour.
Tahitian Lime - My favorite. Big tree, year-round fruit, no seeds, plenty of juice. Good with Mexican beer.
Kaffir Lime - Used mainly for its leaves in Thai cooking, leaves and rind exude huge citrus flavor.
Calamondin Lime - Cross between a kumquat and a lime. Orange flesh, sweet and juicy. Big producer. Called calamonsi by locals, it makes orange juice better. Best with papaya.
Finger Lime - Big seller. Boutique. Many culinary uses with cocktails, salads and fish. Thorns, fruit shaped like a finger or jalapeno, contains caviar balls of explosive citrus juice.
Washington Navel Orange - Big tree, two harvests, feed the whole family with Vitamin C.
Cara Cara Orange - Pink and orange flesh, low acid. Color suggests beta-carotene, healer of cancers.
Minneola Tangelo - Cross of tangerine and grapefruit, sweet, juicy, few seeds. A favorite here.
Star Ruby Red Grapefruit Supreme - Darkest red grapefruit, buy 10 and it is $35 a tree. Great for juice over ice. Big tree.
Tutu Kea or Grampa's White Grapefruit - Mrs. Creagan's father's tree. All juice, white flesh. Big tree.
Nagami Kumquat - Oval, small fruit makes the best jam or marmalade. Can eat the skin. Makes a medium tree.
Clementine Tangerine - Grows tall, big producer. Juicy and sweet. Peel and eat in the field.
Fairchild Tangerine - Its origins are disputed. No to few seeds. Tart and sweet. Easy to peel. Grows short and wide. Tasty.
Windbreak - Cook Pines, Norfolk Pines, Ironwood Pines
Other Trees - Noni, Kukui Nut or Candlenut Tree, Kari Starfruit or Five Finger
Flowering Plants and Shrubs - Pagoda Red Flower, Surinam Cherry, Double Pikake, Hoya vine, Lilikoi (Passionfruit)
Avocado - Available for the Winter Sale
Green Gold - Smallish, green nutty flesh, big producer. Tree stays smaller.
Kahaluu - everyone's favorite. Largish fruit, small seed, and tastes of creamy, buttery deliciousness.
Linda - Giant global black fruit, delicious flesh. Can feed the whole Superbowl Party for guacamole.
Malama - Skin turns purple when ripe. Solid flesh. Nutty flavor. High oil content.
Share Well - Probably the seed of a Sharwil, this creamy, nutty fruit has a small seed. Best producer of this year's crop.
Sharwil - It is a cross between Hass and Fuerte avocados. The thick skin of the Hass allows it to ship easily; the Fuerte give it size and creaminess. The only avocado that may be shipped out of Hawaii.
Yamagata - Pear-shaped fruit. Fruits around June here. Grows a tall, narrow tree. Tasty.